This deployment has taught me so much about myself and my marriage, and as much as I hate the fact that it may (and probably will) happen again, I think that I am a little more prepared.
I have been very fortunate to have my mom here with me for most of the deployment. She has helped me through several breakdowns, a major vomiting episode, and everything in between. Not having her here next time will suck!
I learned that yard work in 90 degree weather is pretty awful, and I will be much more appreciative when Mike is out there doing it. I also learned that beating on a lawn mower will not make it work, and a major breakdown in the front yard after beating the lawn mower is not productive. Unfortunately, I also discovered what a major ass one of my neighbors is.
I have learned that I have to reach out to friends and family when I need them, and I also learned who will be there when I truly need them. People who have been good friend for years may not always prove to be good friends when you really need them, especially when they don't understand what you are going through. I was also really surprised that one of my friends went so far out of her way to make sure I was okay and felt loved. Your friendship means the world to me!!
Being away from Mike for so long was literally like having my heart ripped in half. Some days it was unbearable, but it really made me realized how much I have taken for granted. Mike has always been more affectionate than me, he's kindof a romantic. There were several times that he wanted to hug me just a little longer, or slowdance, or kiss me...and there was always something else that had to me done. I realize now that HE is the most important thing, and I need to kiss him longer, dance with him more often, and just spend more time loving him. The dishes and laundry can wait an hour...or even a day. I learned that I really need to nurture our marriage and make our love grow. It's not always easy, but we are amazing together; and we are worth it!